Locally owned & operated stores offering the best supplies at the best prices for every dog and cat!
Space Usage Terms & Conditions
Welcome to Unleashed, the Dog & Cat Store!
We are very excited to offer space for our local community to utilize and look forward to having you. We are thrilled for space within (or just outside) Unleashed, the Dog & Cat stores to be used by a variety of groups both for the mission of saving the lives of animals, and for the greater community.
We are not currently charging for the use of any space. Unleashed, the Dog & Cat Store, does however, pay rent on every square foot. In order for Unleashed to be able to continue paying for space, but not charging for space, there are some considerations that need to be made. We ask that you please support the store so that the store can continue to support you.
In order to use space within Unleashed, the Dog & Cat Store (all locations), we require that the head of your organization read and agree to the following conditions and hold everyone in the organization accountable for following them as well. Thank you.
I, ______________________________________________ (head of organization), representing ________________________________________________________________(organization), on this date, _______________________, hereby attest to the following:
By using any space within/surrounding Unleashed, the Dog & Cat Store (all locations), all members of our organization will:
-not sell any products without prior authorization from an Unleashed owner or Manager
-encourage our participants to support the store by shopping in the store
-promote positive training methods, such as clicker training, treat training, and other positive reinforcement methods
-not utilize or promote training methods that are punitive, discipline-based, aversive, coercive, “traditional,” or otherwise negative
-not utilize or promote training tools that are punitive or negative in any manner, including but not limited to: prong collars, shock collars, choke chains, and even head collars such as Gentle Leaders, & Haltis
-promote positive training tools: specifically products found at Unleashed, such as treats, clickers, and harnesses
-not utilize, promote, or give out anything that is not carried at Unleashed without prior authorization from an Unleashed owner or manager; for example, using/giving out treats, or making product recommendations beyond what is available in the store
-promote and encourage food and treats that are carried at Unleashed and encourage participants to get a free nutrition analysis from an Unleashed employee
-promote and encourage a healthy, natural, holistic, and positive approach to caring for animals
-promote and encourage animal adoption, but not disrespect anyone based on where they got their animal (or for any reason)
-when taking applications, speaking with customers, or handling animals, make it very clear who we represent and that Unleashed is merely providing the space. For example, for adoption applicants, make it clear that Unleashed employees/owners will not be privy to any application details or whether or not the application is approved. For customers having their dogs washed, make it clear that the volunteers of our organization are handling all aspects of washing the dog and not the employees of Unleashed.
-leave the space as you found it (or better ;))
-arrive and leave the space during normal operating hours, unless authorized by an Unleashed owner or manager
-alert an Unleashed staff member if any of these considerations are not being followed
Sign Here: ____________________________________________________________
Print Here:____________________________________________________________
Contact Info:___________________________________________________________
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to thoroughly read these conditions. We have made this list only so that we can continue offering space to our community for free and so that any activities taking place within our stores fit with the core values and beliefs of Unleashed, the Dog & Cat Store. Every purchase that is made in any Unleashed location, helps Unleashed support the community, pay our employees, and give back to animals in need. Your support of our values and our stores, helps us support you.
Please let us know if you have any questions at any time. If you need authorizations, have questions about events, or would like to book an event, please fill out the contact us page for the store you are interested in.